Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Ok so I got my schedual for next year and I found out that I got the senior release that I wanted. That's what I needed today. It really is.

Remembering the past

lol I just thought of this picture again today and it was as funny as the first time I saw it. here's the picture that is sure to make you're day just a little bit better.

----------------------------------AND YOU!!!!!----------------------------------

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Always Cold!

it's so weird to always be cold during a drought. sitting there in a snuggie is weird in the summer lol. For some reason people think that's weird! My friend knows what I'm talking about. She wears flip flops in the winter. She'd wear shorts if her mom let her. lol. We're opposites but it works...somehow. lol well, just remember during times of altumite warmness there is someone out there in Wisconsin complaining about how cold it is in this 100 degree weather. lol

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Yay Storms

I have come to the conclustion that naming the new kitten "storm" a few months ago was a jinx on the weather. So I started to call her "kitten" or "mouse" (I call her mouse because she kinda looks like a mouse when she's hidding under stuff). Since I started doing that I figured I was right because it has been raining again. Lol. Did anyone else wake to the storm last night and then fall into a blissful sleep thinking "awwww I love that sound" just as another thundering noise shook the house and you were rocked back into oblivion?.....No?.... Oh, well, just me then. lol

Thursday, July 19, 2012

How long do you have, really?

Ok so a while ago I found out that a guy my age died. He died of a over dose. To be honest I didn't really know the guy and if you asked me before this all happened I would have said something like "oh him? he's a duche" now all I can think of saying about him is "that's sad".
This whole happening is scary to me though. I mean, yeah i didn't really know the guy except for the fact that he was a jerk to a lot of people but it gets scary. When someone your age dies....
Ok so it's like you don't really think that you're never gonna die. But it doesn't really take a lot to feel safe in life. It's really easy to take the stuff you have for granted. I'm sorry this guy died. I'm even more sad that he took a lot of people in my grade's sense of security.
You never know how long you have in this world and when you realize this little fact again (I say again because no one ever forgets it just simply push the fact off) it really shakes your world up a bit.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Stupid school!

I'm getting really mad at the school right now. By this time last year they had the scheduals up in infenite campus and I was printing them out because I lost my old one.
This year though, when I actually NEED to see my schedual to see if they accepted my application for senior release they don't have the scheduals up. I already know what my grades were last year. Now I wan't to know if I have senior release and when my lunch time is. Stupide new schedualing system. That confuses me to. The seniors are supposed to have meetings with the principle during lunch times. If half of the senior class is at lunch while the other half is in class how are we going to meet? It just doesn't make any sense!

Friday, July 6, 2012

My new blog.

Here it is!


A little birdie told me

So I was thinking today about making a new blog called a little birdie told me. this blog will be about all the random news things I've herd, stuff that goes around school, gossip, and other such newsie things I've heard. So... If you want to check it out just give me a sec to make it lol.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


sitting at home finally relaxing....whew! this is sweet. Anybody want to go swiming. That is when it gets cooler. Sorry but I burn easy and to go outside swimming in 100 degree weather's doesnt' sound refreshing to me. lol hopefully it will rain soon and put and end to this drought.