Saturday, July 7, 2012

Stupid school!

I'm getting really mad at the school right now. By this time last year they had the scheduals up in infenite campus and I was printing them out because I lost my old one.
This year though, when I actually NEED to see my schedual to see if they accepted my application for senior release they don't have the scheduals up. I already know what my grades were last year. Now I wan't to know if I have senior release and when my lunch time is. Stupide new schedualing system. That confuses me to. The seniors are supposed to have meetings with the principle during lunch times. If half of the senior class is at lunch while the other half is in class how are we going to meet? It just doesn't make any sense!


  1. Hopefully the lunch times will be kind and allow our group to stay together, that would make the confusion less horrible and overwhelming.
